Chiropractic Care

Chiropractic specialists use their hands and other forms of treatment to help align your body's musculoskeletal structure. This manipulation is designed to help restore mobility in joints affected by injury and chronic conditions.


If you've recently suffered severe injuries and dealing with debilitating pain, contact us at Active Body Chiro Rehab Windham, ME. We will perform different tests and advise on the chiropractic adjustments to help get you back to your everyday life.

What Is Chiropractic Care?  

This is a non-invasive, drug-free treatment designed to help patients improve their body function and find relief from different pain. A chiropractor on our chiropractic care team can uses different treatments like soft tissue therapy and manual " adjustments to help patients find relief from pain. During your initial consultation, we will perform screening tests and work with you to determine the root cause of your problem and the best treatment option. 

What Type of Conditions and Pain Can Chiropractic Care Help Relieve? 

When you visit our center with chronic pain, we will combine different techniques to help you get quick relief from your discomfort. Here's an overview of the pains our chiropractic specialists can help relieve:

  • Neck Pain: Different things can cause neck pain, including bad posture, car crashes, sports injuries, etc. An injury we mainly treat after a car crash is whiplash. Patients with this condition often feel pain and stiffness in the neck.
  • Back Pain: Lower back pain can be very disruptive. One cause of back pain in many patients is herniated or dislodged discs pressed on nerve roots. A chiropractor on our team can deliver small but focused force on the spinal components, shifting them in position. We may also recommend stretching exercises that target the lower back.

The Potential Benefits of Chiropractic Care

We use an integrative medicine tailored to you. Our chiropractic adjustments can help improve your mobility and the healing process. To help you get in back to your normal activities, we may recommend stretching and strengthening exercises. 

Stretches can help release muscle tension which can be beneficial in making your motion comfortable and help reduce the possibility of injuries. The strengthening exercises can help minimize the risk of injury by offering more stability to the muscles that help you maintain balance and posture.

Get Chiropractic Care Adjustments from a Chiropractor on Our Team

If you have chronic pain due to an accident, book an appointment with us at Active Body Chiro Rehab in Windham, ME. Our team of chiropractic professionals are here to help you recover. Call us at (207) 346-7412 for more information.

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Opening June 5th!


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